Thursday, April 21, 2016

What this blog is all about!

If this is your first time here, you might be wondering what a blog about gloves is all about. Could this guy Felix have a business in high-quality gloves? Maybe he sells hand-crafted gloves on Etsy. Maybe he just has a glove fetish.

The actual truth in fact is much more interesting and also much more prosaic than any of those. The story starts with a friend of mine with whom I had the privileged of working with for over ten years. This friend of mine - we'll call her Heidi to protect her actual identity - had a problem with gloves. More specifically she'd lose them at quite a prodigious rate. She'd start each winter with a half dozen gloves and if she was lucky she'd have a single mismatched pair left by spring.

One day on my way into the office I saw a glove in the parking lot so I picked it up and brought it in and asked if it was hers. Oddly enough it was.

A few days or weeks later I was at home depot and saw a leather work glove in the parking lot. It was wet. It was dirty. It had been driven over a few times. I took a picture with my flip phone and sent it to her with a text message asking if it was hers.

If no one else thought it was funny, I certainly did.

A few more lost gloves later it became a habit. Now I must admit it may have grown from a habit into a compulsion. If I am walking through a parking lot, down a sidewalk, through a field - frankly anywhere - and see a glove I have to take a picture and text it to 'Heidi' asking if it is hers.

I'd like to be able to claim that Tom Hanks stole my idea and he owes me royalties but even though I may have been doing it longer I'm just happy that he is emulating me and doing me one better by providing a public service.

I'm not sure exactly how my friends feel about my compulsions; however, they help me look for gloves when we are walking to and from lunch and they only mock me slightly when I stop in the middle of a crosswalk. In my defense on that, the light was red.

Please join me on my journey and enjoy the pictures.

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